Your beach home is cared for by owners who care.
Experience shows that interval ownership groups upkeep their homes better than other situations, because renting to third parties is not financially necessary and therefore intermittent. Owners stay much of the year and take pride in caring for their beautiful new home. The program is established and secure, providing a forward-looking approach that pre-thinks all the problems and funds long-term maintenance, taking into account the many practical issues of home ownership.
You can rent your weeks for income.
If for whatever reason you cannot use your beach home during your interval schedule, you can rent your weeks, with the income going directly to you. Your local property manager has the expertise to handle everything for you.
You can purchase multiple shares for more weeks.
A surprising number of families purchase two or more shares to spend more time at the beach or to increase their waterfront real estate investment. In fact, usually only eight to ten owners take all thirteen shares. Ask us about the special pricing we offer for additional shares. |